Health News

Health News

Vaping, especially daily vaping, may actually make it harder to quit smoking

What supermarkets in 97 countries are doing to our waistlines

States Facing Doctor Shortages Ease Licensing Rules for Foreign-Trained Physicians

A growing number of states have made it easier for doctors who trained in other countries to get medical licenses, a shift supporters say...

Natural DIY Hair Spray

Conventional hair spray is one of the worst offenders when it comes to toxins in beauty products. It typically has aerosol, PFAS, VOCs and...
Health News

Más californianos están muriendo por el frío. Gran parte son personas...

SACRAMENTO, California — Un número creciente de personas —muchas de ellas mayores y sin hogar— están muriendo de frío durante el invierno. La hipotermia causada...

How to Choose The Best Kids Toys (That Won’t Clutter Your...

Home is where the heart is, and for many of us in the developed world it’s also where a ton of stuff is! Our...

High-Protein Cottage Cheese Cookie Dough

When you imagine making holiday goodies you probably picture 5-pound bags of flour and sugar, a kitchen sink filled with mixing bowls, and a...

Analysis challenges claims and understanding of COVID-19-era suicides


Global data reveal growing burden as BMI and tobacco use rise


Florida’s Canada Drug Importation Plan Has Yet to Launch

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R)spent years complaining that the Biden administration was slow-walking federal approval of his plan to import lower-cost prescription drugs from...